Dear Reader,
Throughout the school year, I have had a lot of inspiration for my writing pieces. What inspires me the most is the people in my life and unforgettable moments. The purpose of my pieces are to record my work and to see how much I've progressed. My audience is everyone and anyone. They can give me advice on how to make something better or they can criticize it for my own benefit. That way, I will know how to change something.
I especially like that my papers express me, my thoughts, and who I am as a person. My favorite writing piece is my Personal Motto journal. That piece shows that I can make connections to everyday life. It was very fun to write. What gives me the most difficulty is when I have to write a creative story. I don't feel like I'm very creative. I also don't like having to make things up.
During this process I learned that it is very easy for me to write down personal things or things that I have experience with already because there is no need to make anything up. Everything being put down will be honest.
My goals for writing next year is to be an even better writer. I can do that by elaborating more on details. I should try to brainstorm to think of more ideas instead of just picking one right away. I could also plan out my papers by making charts. Elaborating my sentences will help because they will be more interesting for my audience.
To be a writer, you should not be afraid. You should accept what people tell you, whether it is good or bad, and use it to your benefit. Try to stay true to yourself, while being creative as well. Have fun with it!
Good luck in your writing journey,
Alice Quach